
Acommonidiomistobe(ortolive)inclover,meaningtoliveacarefreelifeofease,comfort,orprosperity.Acloverleafinterchangeisnamed ...,Acloverisasmallplantwithbrightgreenleavesandwhiteorpurpleflowers.It'sconsideredgoodlucktofindafour-leafclover!,三葉草屬(學名:Trifolium)植物,英文俗名「clover」;CLOVER(聲優團體),由井上奈奈、宮崎羽衣、齋藤桃子和桃鈴音音組成的聲優團體;CLOVER(樂隊), ...,ThemeaningofCLOV...


A common idiom is to be (or to live) in clover, meaning to live a carefree life of ease, comfort, or prosperity. A cloverleaf interchange is named ...


A clover is a small plant with bright green leaves and white or purple flowers. It's considered good luck to find a four-leaf clover!


三葉草屬(學名:Trifolium)植物,英文俗名「clover」; CLOVER (聲優團體),由井上奈奈、宮崎羽衣、齋藤桃子和桃鈴音音組成的聲優團體; CLOVER (樂隊), ...

Clover Definition & Meaning

The meaning of CLOVER is any of a genus (Trifolium) of low leguminous herbs having trifoliolate leaves and flowers in dense heads and including many that ...

CLOVER Definition & Usage Examples

confusion; turmoil; jumble. a source of great and sudden wealth or luck. a burden, impediment, or hindrance. TAKE THE QUIZ ...

CLOVER definition and meaning

5 meanings: 1. any plant of the leguminous genus Trifolium, having trifoliate leaves and dense flower heads. Many species, such.

CLOVER in Traditional Chinese

Examples of clover. clover. Production performance and meat quality of grazing lambs finished on red clover, lucerne or perennial ryegrass swards.

CLOVER | English meaning

CLOVER definition: 1. a small plant with three round leaves on each stem, often fed to cows 2. a small plant with…. Learn more.

CLOVER | meaning

CLOVER definition: a small plant that has three round leaves and round flowers. Learn more.


CLOVER的意思、 解釋及翻譯:a small plant that has three round leaves and round flowers。了解更多。